Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kalki (Amma Bhagavan) on the path of Liberation (Mukti)?

Q : Apart from the teachings and sadhanas, what is your message in this path of Mukti (liberation)?Kalki Bhagavan : See, basically my teaching is this. Though you have been taught some sadhanas and some teachings, as far as Mukti is concerned no sadhana or any teaching will take you to Mukti. That is why I insist that all sadhanas and teachings must ultimately be dumped into the waste paper basket. They just will not help you when Mukti is concerned. They can prepare you for it. It can be any teaching of Ramana Maharshi, RamaKrishna Parama Hamsa, Buddha's teaching; any teaching for that matter will not take you to Mukti. Rama Krishna's disciples did not become enlightened, or Ramana Maharshi's disciples… Buddha's disciples did not become enlightened. So teachings can't give you enlightenment , no technique or sadhana can give you enlightenment . That must be understood very clearly through the yajna (course) you have attended. At best what can happen is; there can be a pursuit of enlightenment , a temptation to achieve Mukti and some clarity. I always maintain that psychology and philosophy, any teaching will fall under these categories.They will at best help to bring about transformation within the mind. That's all. Like we can rearrange the furniture in this room; but they'll still remain. So, we can do some kind of a decoration inside. We can bring some kind of happiness, get over some problems, adjust and readjust. Sadhanas can take you deeper and deeper into you consciousness but going deep into your consciousness is not Mukti. Rearranging your mental structure and framework, having improved relationship, better success in the world… all this is not Mukti. Mukti is to be completely free of the mind itself. That , no teaching, no technique can give you. It is because, it is not a psychological process; it is not a philosophical process; it is not a meditative process. It is a neurobiological phenomenon. Fundamental changes must occur in your physical brain. That is why I tell you, do not follow any teaching. Then you become a 2nd hand human being. If you try to follow a Jesus Christ, you will become a 2nd hand human being. Jesus Christ could love the whole humanity. Can you love like Him ? Jesus Christ says *love thy neighbour as thyself*. You cant do it. He can do it because his brain is wired differently., But if you try to take like Jesus Christ, you had it. Ramakrishna can be jumping in ecstasy and dancing away. Unless your kundalini is awakened you cant do that. If you try to copy Ramakrishna you become a 2nd hand human being. His brain wiring is different. Ramana can ask ‘who am I'. If you do the same you will go mad and end up in the mental asylum! That's why I, in one sense, is anti-teachings.You become a second hand human being. You develop conflict within yourself. You are something. You want to be something else; a Christ or a Ramana or a Sri Aurobindo. What not! You can read all their books, you can do all that, but you will not move an inch. Maybe you will get some clarity. Maybe you will feel nice. “Ah, I'am doing this sadhana”… you'll fell more secured. These benefits are there. But they will not take you to Mukti. Very often they induce conflict because you can only be yourself. How can you be something else? However much you can try how could you be something else? You cannot become. That is the illusion from which must become free.So, what I am telling is ‘”Whatever you are, just accept that. When you accept it, there is no conflict. When there is no conflict there is plenty of energy. When you have energy, you see what is going on inside, you get joy. This is why, when all of you go back home, please fully experience that pain. Physical pain itself will become bliss. Sincerely experience all psychological pain. If you fully experience, it becomes joy. Don't try to escape. If you try to escape from pain, you are putting it under that carpet. After sometime it starts stinking. That is what most people are doing. They never confront their pain. Somebody dies in you family, you loose you job, some other problem, but you don't experience the pain. You run away from the pain through television, movies, going to a friend's house, doing some puja. This is what is called SORROW MANAGEMENT. It is good up to a point but certainly it will not rid you of pain.So, what you must learn from the Ananda Yajna (7day advanced course) is how to confront this pain. What I am telling is like this; Suppose a tiger enters this room, most of you would climb up the fan and hand on there! What I am telling is that “hanging from the fan is really pain because the tiger is here and you are hanging on there”. I am telling, “come down from the fan and let the tiger eat you”. If you are eaten the pain is gone. Allow the pain to eat you. The pain is the tiger. See what happens. It will become joy. Suppose there is intense jealousy in you. Jealousy itself is pain. You know how painful it is. So instead of saying “I will try to be non-jealous, kind and loving”; all this is false. You are you. You have jealousy, violence, hatred… all the doshas are there inside you.So confront it. I am not telling you be that or this. No! Be what you are. This is the purpose of this particular yajna that you have attended, to help you discover who you are like Ramana “who am I”, but his discovery is something else. Your discovery will be one that you are a Ravana! All the useless things in the world are inside you. That will be your discovery. That does not take much time. But people don't like that. You would like to have a nice image about yourself. It is all nicely covered up but If you dig you will se only rubbish. So confront that rubbish. It is there; then accept it, since it is there. How can you run away from it? It is painful, but behold and suddenly there will be joy. Where there is joy there will be no dosha. A happy man cannot cause pain to others. Only an unhappy man or wife will cause pain to husband or wife. Unhappy children will cause pain to their parents, unhappy employees will cause pain to employer. UNHAPPY PEOPLE SPREAD MISERY. Happy people cannot cause pain. If people are happy they cannot do anything wrong. They are happy therefore they cannot do anything wrong. It is unhappy people who land into trouble, who become ultimately thieves, criminals etc. So the basic thing is there must be a minimum of happiness and true happiness comes when you confront yourself.You are always saying “I am afraid of that person”. That is not true. Basically you are afraid of yourself. If you loose fear of yourself you loose fear of everything else including Veerapan! If a Buddha were there he would simply go and talk to Veerapan. Like he went and spoke to Aungulimai (a thief in the forest), since he had no fear. You are afraid of yourself because you do not love yourself. On the other hand you say “I must overcome my fear, I must love somebody.” You do not love yourself, that is the situation. So as you go inside yourself you will discover how you are. So, accept. Once you start accepting, you start loving yourself. You will find there is a tremendous job that can be achieved in 21 days of practice. This is easy, if it is difficult I do not talk about it. 21 days of practice and you will find it is like breathing. It is very natural and easy to go deep into yourself, to discover and to accept, to love yourself and convert suffering into joy. If you do that your family will be excellent. The moment you see your husband or wife you will go into joy. When he or she sees you there will be joy. Your homes will become temples. That is when you are ready for Mukti. Mukti as I told you is a neurological phenomenon. Nobody has by following any teaching ever become enlightened, since they have been thinking it is a psychological or philosophical process. Ramana did not have any teaching. He had his death experience and he was there. For Buddha it was light. Only thing is he does not subsequently acknowledge what that light had done to him. Not through the teachings. Teachings are within the mind. Becoming free from the mind is enlightenment . That is when you are truly free.So, all that you must now do, is to learn how to convert suffering to joy. Once you do that I will send word for you. You must come to the Golden City (Ashram at Varadhayapalem, South India). When I give you Diksha you become fully enlightened. I have over 400 people who have achieved this state of Enlightenment . You can go and see how they are living.

Kalki Bhagavan about "Antaryamin (Indweller)"

Question: What is Antaryamin? And how does Anteryamin awaken in us?Kalki Bhagwan: We often us the word God, but God means different things to different people. But actually we can define God as your higher sacred self, higher intelligence, higher consciousness…Sometimes you might have seen hundreds of birds flying like one bird. Have you seen this? So, actually you can know that the whole group has got a single consciousness, but the individual bird will follow the consciousness of the whole pack. Sometimes you will find one or two birds dropping out and again they get back to the main flock. If we say that the individual bird is you, then that full total bird consisting of all birds is the Anteryamin. It can be called God or higher intelligence etc. So when we say you have the Anteryamin or that Anteryamin is awakened , what it means is you are the part, are in touch with the whole. In the flock of birds, if one bird drops out of the group, two or three birds come out and help that bird to go and join back. Only thn the whole thing can function. So as long as the small bird is following the big pack, you can say the small bird is following the will of the group or the pack. So if you have the Anteryamin and can talk with Him, then, ‘You’, the part is following the will of the whole or the Divine will. So it is not enough if you are willing to follow the Divine will, you must know what the Divine will is, what the will is of the higher consciousness, without which you are like a bird fallen of the pack.You are in fact an orphan. The Anteryamin is the Whole, and to have the Anteryamin means you are in touch with the whole. The whole of human consciousness put together is more than the individuals consciousness. It is not 1 + 1 = 2 but it is 1 +1 = 4. That is what is “Synergetic emergence”. Hydrogen and oxygen fuse to form water, whose properties are totally and fundamentally different from hydrogen and oxygen. This emerging consciousness is called God or Cosmic consciousness. And this cosmic consciousness is what is the Anteryamin.The Anteryamin is you inner guide and your supreme friend who can guide you and protect you. Today many a time you are in conflict. What is right and wrong? what is good and bad? You unable to decide this. Even when you decide, many times you regret your decisions. But when the Anteryamin is awakened, you will exactly know how to respond to every situation of life. At every step you will have someone to guide you, on whom you can trust and who accepts you exactly as you are. And also when you have the Anteryamin, enlightenment is very easy.So until now we have seen what is the Anteryamin and why do you need an Anteryamin. Now I will tell you how the awakening of the Anteryamin actually happens. Basically in our society, the kind of schooling, education and life style one has, you are not allowed to experience and express your emotions. You are quit suppressed. That is why some have difficlty in getting Anteryamin. So once you have got in touch with your suppressed emotions and if you invite the Anteryamin with your whole heart, it will awaken in you in the way it chooses or in the form you desire. To have the Anteryamin is the natural state of Man, it is your birth right; it is just like breathing or digesting. In the Ancient days everybody was in touch with their Anteryamin. There were tribes in Africa a hundred years ago, who where in direct communion with their Anteryamin. They lived a wonderful life. All that you must do is, from your heart, with emotion, with great feeling and with a bond, a liking, you must invite the Anteryamin and then it will awaken in you. It is not at all difficult. You think it is difficult and have all kinds of wrong perceptions. The Anteryamin is not bothered about what kind of a person you are. The Anteryamin is your friend and so doesn’t judge you or condemn you. All it want is that you invite it with a feeling and a bond.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Amma Bhagavan on the "Illusion of Self"

Q : If self is an illusion, who am I. What is my real existence?Kalki Bhagavan : You do not exist. That is the truth. That sense of “I and you”, the sense of separateness, is an illusion. It does not really exist. For example, as you are listening to me, you are seeing me but you are not hearing me, and when you hear me, you are not seeing me. But that is happening so fast, that you have this illusion that you are seeing and hearing. The two senses have got coordinated, like in a movie, unless you have those 16 shots moving per second you will not see the hand movement, in the movie theatre. If the projector is slowed down it becomes only like a slide. Similarly, here the senses are coordinating at a particular speed whereby you are feeling that you are seeing, touching as though all these things are going on at the same time. It is this illusion that creates the sense of “Me” and “I”. If this is slowed down, you all just vanish! So, now you are there. If I were to slow down your senses, if you would give me permission, you would just disappear. You will go back home minus yourself! But you will still be very functional, you will in fact be very efficient. The sense of separateness would completely be gone. What remains there is life or you may call it pure consciousness; the stuff from which this whole universe is made. What is there ultimately is consciousness and that has to only to be experienced. How can you see yourself? There is no way to see consciousness, because you are that. Its true nature is Ananda and Love. It is a causeless Love.What you call love is not truly love. You either beg for love, asking somebody to give you love, or if you give love it is because somebody is big or famous or great or wealthy or you have something to gain from that. You love your wife or husband because he or she means something to you. You possess somebody, you are attached to somebody. That is not the love we are talking about. This love is a causeless love. It is just there. This can happen only if the “I” the “self” disappears. It's a very simple thing - the senses have to be slowed down a little bit… and behold; You are not there! What is there is only life. You will feel you are one with the universe, completely one. It is not a mystical experience. A mystical experience comes when the kundalini rises to the chakras, but when it comes down… the experience is lost. We are not talking about that. We are talking of a very robust state of 24 hours irreversible consciousness. You are completely gone. To attain this state you must qualify. The qualification is, you must set right your relationship.It takes only 7 minutes for me to give you that state you perceive everything without the “Me” or the “I” . For example: when I look at you people, I don't feel you are outside of me. Its as though all of you are inside of my belly, I can never see anything as separate. It's a fact and reality for me, and this is how all these 320 people who have got the state are experiencing. You can experience it. Somebody is not outside of you. Strangely the boundaries of the body cease. You no more can see it as your hand or your body, Its gone. The whole thing has become your body, it is a part of you. It is then that you have this true love, because it is a part of you. There is no cause, and there is no question of the mind slipping into the past or worrying about the past or projecting into the future or thinking about the future. It lives in the moment. Every moment it lives and you start really living. Right now, what is happening is, you are merely existing. You live because you are afraid of dying. Otherwise you see no reason, why you should continue with your mediocre life. You get up in the morning, go to the toilet, brush your teeth, have your breakfast, pack up your lunch, go to office or do some business, come back, have a quarrel with your wife, have a fight with your child… again comeback watch your TV… day in day out…this routine, mediocre, meaningless, purposeless.You create of course some meaning. You say “I'm doing some social work…helping man….” and all kinds of things because you have to invent these things. There is no meaning, because deep inside, there is only sorrow inside you. You don't know what to do with your lives. You've got into this mechanical trap created by self, by the “Me”. So, you have built up various escape systems, mechanisms and you continue with this kind of life and the only reason you are not sick is because, I can probably say, you are afraid of dying ….You have had no moments of ecstasy or bliss or joy. It is what really life is all about. You've certainly missed out on all that. So, sometimes I marvel how people are able to live. It really baffles me. To me, giving enlightenment is not a big problem at all. To me the problem is, I wonder how people continue to live, how many escape systems can they build! They have TV systems, computers, sky diving… and what else….somehow you must manage your lives. You are managing your sorrow, you are escaping from your sorrow, doing all these things but fundamentally that pain is there inside; that ache, what's all this ? What is the meaning of life? Where are we going? We are getting older, and seem to have achieved nothing and what is the purpose of all this….?That is the meaning of the word ‘Dukha'. There is no translation for it in English. We use the work ‘suffering', which is not the true meaning of the work ‘dukha'. It is a very abstract and not clearly definable ache you have, the ache which Buddha had. He had everything in life yet that pain was there, that sense of “what's all this about”. That is what we mean by the work ‘dukha'. So, this has to go, That's the reason for the Mukthi Yagna. But you must first feel that pain. That's the 1st qualification. If you don't feel the pain and say “OK! I'm managing my suffering and I'm happy with it” then I have no business with you.I can help you only if it is going to really trouble you. The second thing is, your relationships. That's very important. Then you are ready for receiving my grace of Mukti. Only then you'll know what true love is, what compassion is, what it is to share your life with others, what all this talk of oneness is. All the scriptures will start revealing themselves to you. Nobody needs to teach you. You are your own guru you can see it for yourself.Liberation from WorkisLiberation from SocietyisLiberation from CivilizationisLiberation from KnowledgeisLiberation of the MindisLiberation from the SelfisLiberation of the SensesisLiberation of LifeisEnlightenment .
Amma Bhagavan - "How to discover Joy and causeless Love"Sri Amma Bhagavan (Kalki) Speaks - Messages by Sri Bhagavan
Q: What should I do to discover causeless love and limitless joy?Kalki Bhagavan : One of the most important teachings of the dharma is that the content is not important. How you experience the Content is important. What ever is happening in your life, you must learn the art of experiencing Others. That is the true ‘art of living'. The true art of living is to experience fully, totally and completely whatever is going on.So mostly what is going on is human interactions, your friends, your relatives, your boss, your children and your family. You are all the time interacting with them because life is relationship. Without relationship you don't exist. So, in this relationship you are transacting some kind of interaction. You may get hurt, you may get provoked, and you may get back some memories, all these are happening.Whatever is happening if you can experience fully, as I was speaking earlier, then you will find there is limitless joy. Now, what happens when there is so much of joy. It doesn't stop there. It becomes love. Only a happy and joyous person can truly love. An unhappy person cannot love. That love is nothing but attachment, possession…true love comes only when there is true joy and true joy comes only when you experience what ever is going on inside. It is not very difficult.Practice this in some kind for 21 days, if you keep trying it will become natural. What is not natural, what is not easy, I don't teach. There is no point in teaching that. Only what you can do I am teaching. The brain must learn a new pattern of functioning. It takes 21 days for that. After 21 days of practice you will find it easy. It becomes like alcoholic addiction or drug addiction. Why are you addicted? Because it gives you so much of joy or happiness or freedom. Same thing happens here also. Only thing is there are no negative side effects . There are very good effects on the other hand. You discover love, compassion. All these things happen.So basically you must start with pain. You hold that pain like you hold a newborn baby. So carefully you must hold that pain you must know that it is blessing. You must hold it, you must not condemn or judge it and strangely you'll find it is very painful. It will become pain in the chest region but slowly you'll find, you'll discover a freedom, joy and that will become love. That is the way to get this causeless love and limitless joy.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Kalki explains about the "Nature of the Mind"Sri Amma Bhagavan (Kalki) Speaks - Messages by Sri Bhagavan
Question: Nobody in this world is free of sufferings. To be free from sufferings what should be done?Kalki Bhagavan: That’s very simple. Please follow seven truths to be free from suffering.
1. Everything comes from a single source. It could be God or Energy. There is no beginning and end to life.2. If you identify this source, you’ll not differentiate between good, bad, right or wrong. All these things are our views. Everything came from one source.3. Life is nothing but your search for ‘Self’. In your life, things that happen to you, people you see, everything reflects your ‘Self’. If you are suffering from poverty, it means there something wrong within yourself. You have to correct this to get out of poverty. If you have hatred, then who ever you see will exhibit the same quality. If you have evil thoughts, people you meet will also have evil thoughts. Try to understand yourself first.4. Realize that anything you experience in this Life is by God’s grace. Supposing you slip while walking, try to realize that as God’s grace too. If you see God in everything, your life will become wonderful.5. Realize that anything you experience in this Life is just a ‘test’ for you by God. It is not a bad experience. If it is considered as a bad experience then it would mean that God is not compassionate. If you experience a problem, consider it an opportunity for you to face it and come out of it. You’ve been given people, wealth and confidence to face challenges. If you understand this, your confidence will improve. Just to test your confidence God gives you a test.6. If you realize that anything you experience is a test for you by God, then you’ll be able to think deep about the problem and handle it in a better way. You’ll understand its result. Then you’ll have no fear.7. If you understand the above 6 truths, then there will be an enormous transformation in your body. From then on, you’ll not only have compassion, but you’ll become that ‘compassion’.If you follow these, your relationships would improve. It’ll be filled with love. If you attain this stage you are ready for the ‘operation’ I mentioned. You’ll experience the divine grace experienced by saints like Ramana, Adishankara. You’ll have no fear or sorrow. You’ll have only Joy. Don’t try to analyze this logically. Our aim is Mukthi. If you follow these truths for even 21 days, you’ll be joyful. The problem with us is we spread just the sorrow and sufferings. That’s why Earth is dying. After you experience Joy and Happiness you’ll be able to spread only Joy and Happiness to others.Question: By becoming aware of the doubts, can we remove those doubts?Answer: You can to a large extent but still the brain will again jump into that mode. For that you must have control over these three energies. Suppose your house has got a north east cut, then the blaming mode will be highly activated. The north-east cut will activate the manipura chakra in a particular way and the brain will always be blaming. So, the house vastu is also equally important. Chakra dhyana is very important . Otherwise there is absolutely no control. Your mind is taking you for a ride.To do Chakra Dhyana you should be at least twelve years of age. Pranayama can be taught, but not pranakriyas. Ajneya chakra dhyana can be taught to children.Question: Why does the mind always go towards negative thoughts and negative things?Answer: You live in a world where the whole system is so structured. See, your negative thoughts are not your thoughts. That’s the fundamental teaching of the Dharma. So, like in TV depending on the channel you are switching on, you attract certain programmes.In this thought sphere there are also both negative and positive programmes. Depending on the way your chakras are aligned, you start attracting negative thoughts. If the channel is changed, you start attracting positive thoughts. So, you are not really responsible for that as you tend to blame your self. As I told you, you are like a robot, a computer. You are being programmed continuously from the thought sphere or the earth’s magnetic field. So, if you do certain kind of dhyanas, we can realign the chakras, whereby it will automatically turn into positive thoughts.One terrible thing is the media of today. In the newspaper and magazines they must also publish positive things. But everywhere they talk only about accidents, murder, looting, cheating. The whole thing is negative. As these inputs are going into you, the chakras acquire a specific kind of alignment. Thereafter you start turning only to the negative things in the thought sphere. That is the problem with our society. You must talk more positive things. You must have newspapers where there will be separate pages only for positive things or TV channels where they will be allotted only for positive news. If that goes on, the chakras will be realigned. That’s why you must speak positively to children and not allow them to see all kinds of TV programmes, newspapers and magazines. Because that is a part of the problem.Question: Negative thoughts are one of the problems we are facing. How to come out of it and how to come out of the sensual pleasures seeking of the mind and how to focus the mind?Answer: You should have noticed very often that you have no control over your thoughts. Thoughts seem to be simply flowing into you and taking control of you. You’ll sometimes find strange thoughts, which you do not like, flowing into you. If you would investigate, you will see that they are actually not your thoughts. That’s why, one of the fundamental teachings of the Dharma is “Your thoughts are not your thoughts”. Just as you breathe in and breathe out air, from the atmosphere, similarly we breathe in thoughts and breathe out thoughts from what could be called the “thoughts sphere”. So, we generally take in thoughts through the Ajneya chakra and then we also broadcast thoughts from the back of your head from a spot called the bindu. So we receive as well as we transmit and the thoughts sphere is thousands of years old where all the memories of all human beings who have lived for the past several thousands of years, not millions of years but probably eleven to twelve thousand years. The thoughts are stored there and these thoughts flow through you. They are not exactly your thoughts, they are the thoughts of the whole of humanity that has lived from the past 11 or 12 thousand years and they continue to flow through you and that influences you.Now what kind of thoughts flow through you depends upon how your chakras are aligned. Like if you have a TV set, if you change the channel, you get a different programme. So, these chakras when aligned in a particular way they form an antenna, which sucks in these thought from the thought sphere.Now, if it is wrongly tuned in, you are likely to get a lot of negative thoughts. If it is properly tuned you might get positive thoughts or you could get a mixture of both. Vastu for example, the house in which you live will directly affect your chakras from which you start receiving certain kinds of thoughts. So, in case you are getting too many negative thoughts, you might have to check the vastu of your house and then you have to do chakra dhyan and get them properly aligned. Then, from the thought sphere you will get more positive thoughts and if more positive thoughts come in, the mind will become more focussed. Negative thoughts have a tendency of keeping the mind unfocussed. Positive thoughts help the mind to be focussed and to get these positive thoughts you must have your chakras properly aligned. So, one of the things we will be doing for you in the yajnas is to help you to have your chakras aligned. Properly.

Amma Bhagavan about "Desires"Sri Amma Bhagavan (Kalki) Speaks - Messages by Sri Bhagavan
Question: Many traditions, including Buddhism and Hinduism, says one should not have desires; you should be content with what you have, desires are the root of suffering, have very little desires and only then you will be happy etc. You say to enjoy life fully, the pleasures as well as pain. There seems to be a contradiction here, could you please explain?Answer: Yes! Now who put the desire in you? As far as I am concerned it is nature, God or whatever you want to call it. That only is responsible for having put the desire into you. You did not have yourself conceived! You were conceived, all things were put into you, you were brought up in the womb. You did not design yourself. So how can you be held responsible?The desire is what I call swadharma. It is there and I don’t see anything wrong with desire. The Buddha himself did not say “Be free of desire”. He said, “Be free of craving”. The unfortunate English translation from Pali made it into ‘desire’. The Buddha had normal desires but was free from craving.Say you want to have a good house, car, go for a good drive… marry a wonderful man or woman… what’s wrong with that? I don’t see anything wrong in desire, as long it doesn’t hurt anyone. But if it causes pain to somebody, then the society has the right to punish you. People sometimes come and ask me about marrying a person. I first ask them to tell me if there are any negative consequence, if there aren’t any, I bless them. After sometime you automatically grow beyond all this. Don’t you see with normal food also, after sometime you get satiated? How many desires can you have? How long will you go on with your desires? At some point it finally becomes a desire for freedom or liberation.How can we talk about all this with someone who is hungry and want food? I can’t tell them, ’come, I’ll give you mukti and moksha!!!’. That is why we do annadhanam, I bless them to fulfill their desires, do samskarashuddi that changes their thinking patterns which would affect in the external world.To me Dharma is something that is coming very naturally to you. It’s like the river automatically flowing to the ocean. Of course if your desire is out of comparison, jealousy or hatred, then it causes pain to others and you. So, there’s noting wrong in having desires. On the other hand, do you think it is easy to suppress your desires? No! For many people who come to samskarashuddhi, we find that the problems they face is because they have suppressed their desires. Like a couple have a bad relationship, we find out it is because he wanted to work with computers but has become a doctor as his father wanted. This suppression continues through out your life, spoiling your relationships etc. It will produce all kinds of problems, like violence etc…Though some people attack me ’why do you tell people to ask for desires?’. My thing is if I am going to help you in your desires you are also going to be enlightened next. I see very often failures telling that they are contented with what they have. What kind of contentment is that? Just because you have failed you built up a theory of contentment. According to me everyone can succeed in their own capacities. If someone is a failure that means something is seriously wrong.And this can be set right through samskarashuddi where I give Grace to change the script of the person. Buddha said, ”Be a light onto oneself”. But I tell, you require grace in life and things have to be given to you including enlightenment. You cannot make it on your own. To understand this it has to be directly experienced. I say that anything must be tested. I don’t believe just like that. That’s why you find atheists and communists in this movement. If we were to talk about a God or something, we would not like to give it to you as a belief. You have to discover that there is a God, which means you must be able to talk to him and he must be able to talk to you. Otherwise how would you expect a rational person to believe in God? Belief is not through induction, it must be a living experience. That’s why in dharma we say, the days of belief has gone. Now, it’s the age of discovery. Belief is a terrible burden on the mind. Man has lost touch with the inner core and Amma and I are here to put Man back in touch with Her/His Higher sacred self.
Nature of Karma (according to Amma Bhagavan)Sri Amma Bhagavan (Kalki) Speaks - Messages by Sri Bhagavan
Question: Will karma not end at any point of time, I have been told that even an enlightened person have karma?Kalki: We do not speak of your karma or her karma. There is no individual karma at all. There is only human karma. Now Ramana Maharishi had cancer. So did Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Others had other problems. You cannot be-come free of karma totally because it is not your karma and moreover there is no you at all in the first place.I told you the “Self” is only an illusion, it can just disappear. So how could there be your karma?Now, often you find that you are being distracted by various thoughts. Just like we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide; we breathe in thoughts and we breathe out thoughts. There is the thought sphere, which contains all the thoughts of people who have lived from last eleven thousand years. All their experiences, ideas, views etc. are stored here. This is called Human karma. This human Karma is flowing through you. Like for example, you are living in the city of Chennai that is polluted; you have to breathe in that polluted air. You cannot escape it or be free of it. So, it is this Man’s karma that is influencing you all the time.But then can man be free of all the present karma accumulated in all these thousands of years? Yes, it is possible!Now, where do you think the thought sphere is stored? These thoughts are stored in the earth’s magnetic field. Whatever has happened the last eleven thousand years is stored here. I told you about Schumann´s resonance (earth’s heartbeat) which used to be 7.8 cycles per second and has now become 11 sec-onds per second and if you work mathematically, in the year 2012 it is going to be 13 cycles per second and, When this happens the earth’s magnetic field would vanish or become very, very weak for about three days.Now, we have the earth’s core which is rotating and that is responsible for the magnetic field. The earth itself is passing through what is called photon belt, which is what is slowing it down. So, it will slow down and probably come to zero when the earth’s resonance is 13 cycles per second and then it would start rotating again, but in the opposite direction.Has this happened before? Yes, we have plenty of fossil evidence to show that this has happened almost every eleven thousand years. And more so, almost all the ancient scriptures of the world from India to Tibet, China to South America to Central America… all speak of this phenomenon.Now, suppose, you are programming a computer and there is a power failure, the entire program is deleted. That is why you have the uninterrupted power supply, the U.P.S. Just the same way, when the earth’s resonance reaches 13 cycles per second there is some kind of power failure and the magnetic field vanishes and when the magnetic field vanishes the thoughts stored there also would vanish. With all that, all the records of eleven thousand years go away. When this happens, man would become free of karma.This has happened many times and there are scriptures that speak about this. But now even if you are enlightened, you are not going to be free of karma. Even Ramana or you must breathe the same air. The only difference is Ramana doesn’t suffer psychologically as his “self” has dissolved.But, for the karma to dissolve completely and not come back, a minimum of 60,000 people must have become enlightened by 2012. It is only then a new world would emerge. That is why all of you have to prepare yourselves for mukti as quickly as possible. It is very important.

Significance of the year 2012Sri Amma Bhagavan (Kalki) Speaks - Messages by Sri Bhagavan
Sri Kalki Bhagavan says: Most of you know that the earth has got a magnetic field. As the earth’s molten core is rotating; the magnetic field is created. The thought sphere of the human mind is located in the earth’s magnetic field. This mag-netic field has been weakening dramatically over last ten years.Now, in physics there is a parameter called “Schumann´s Resonance”. Using that we can determine the strength of the earth’s magnetic field. While for many centuries, it was constant around 7.80 cycles per second, during the last 7-8 years, it has risen to 11 cycles per second and is continuing to increase dramatically. If you work it out mathematically, it appears that, by the year 2012, the "Schuman´s" is likely to be 13 cycles per second. When this reso-nance is 13 cycles per second, the earth’s core would stop rotating with mag-netic field gone, you mind is gone. When I say "your mind", what I mean is your "samskaras". The pressure of the past 11.000 years of samskaras will vanish.In the Dharma, we also say, “Mind is Karma”. All actions start from your mind. The mind is nothing but a storehouse of samskaras or past life vasanas from which all action emanates. This is stored in the earth’s magnetic field. So in the year 2012, it will become zero for a few days. After that the core will start rotating again. This would be a fresh beginning for man or the dawn of the Golden Age. This is the significance of the year 2012. How do we know, it will happen? The study of fossil records has shown that, it happens roughly after 11.000 years. It’s only a short time away and then we can all start afresh. That is why I want you to become enlightened by 2012. If you are enlight-ened, with all your samskaras gone, we can begin a new yuga, which can be called Sathya Yuga or the Golden Age. Man will enter into a new state of al-tered consciousness.As I told you already, the earth’s resonance is increasing which means the earth’s heart is undergoing a transformation. The earth has got a physical body, like you have a body. It has got a consciousness as well. Now as the resonance is increasing the earths heart functioning very differently from before. Now, your heart and the earth’s heart are connected. The earth’s heart can be influ-enced by your heart and vice versa. That is why, it is essential that your heart-beat synchronises with the earth’s resonance. This means your heart must flower. Your heart will flower when you discover love in your relationships.If you have discover love, you must stop judging your parents, spouses, etc., internally. Nobody can be judged as the whole universe directly influences all events, even the behaviour of the people.So learn to experience life. Life has to be experienced, be it pain or pleasure.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Moola Mantra (Om Satchitananda Parabrahma)Sri Amma Bhagavan's Moola Mantra
Om Sat-Chit-Ananda ParabrahmaPurushothama ParamatmaSri Bhagavathi SamethaSri Bhagavathe Namaha
This Moola Mnatra Sanskirt chant was given to humanity through the Grace of Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma. When you chant this Moola Mantra, even without knowing the meaning of it, that itself carries power. But when you know the meaning and chant it with feeling in your heart then the energy will flow a million times more powerfully. It is therefore important to know the meaning of the Moola Mantra when you use it.This Mantra is like calling a name. Just like when you call a person he comes and makes you feel his presence, in the same manner when you chant this mantra the Supreme Energy manifests everywhere around you. As the Universe is omnipresent, this Supreme Energy can manifest anywhere and any time. It is also very important to know that invocation of the Moola Mantra with deep humility, respect and with great necessity makes The Divine Presence stronger.OMOM has got 100 different meanings. It is said, in the beginning was the Supreme word and the word created every thing. That word is OM. If you are meditating in silence deeply, you can hear the sound OM within. The whole of creation emerged from the sound OM. It is the primordial sound or the Universal sound by which the whole universe vibrates. OM also means inviting the higher energy. This divine sound has the power to create, sustain and destroy, giving life and movement to all that exist.SATSAT means all penetrating existence that is formless, shapeless, omnipresent, attribute less, and quality less aspect of the Universe. It is the Unmanifest. It is experienced as emptiness of the Universe. We could say it is the body of the Universe that is static. Everything that has a form and that can be sensed, evolved out of this Un manifest. It is so subtle that it is beyond all perceptions. It can only be seen when it has become gross and has taken form. We are in the Universe and the Universe is in us. We are the effect and Universe is the cause and the cause manifests itself as the effect.CHITCHIT is the Pure Consciousness of the Universe that is infinite, omni-present manifesting power of the Universe. Out of this is evolved everything that we call Dynamic energy or force. It can manifest in any form or shape. It is the consciousness manifesting as motion, as gravitation, as magnetism, etc. It is also manifesting as the actions of the body, as thought force. It is the Supreme Spirit.ANANDAANANDA means bliss, love and friendship nature of the Universe. When you experience either the Supreme Energy in this Creation (SAT) and become one with the Existence or experience the aspect of Pure Consciousness (CHIT), you enter into a state of Divine Bliss and eternal happiness (ANANDA). This is the primordial characteristic of the Universe, which is the greatest and most profound state of ecstasy that you can ever experience when you relate with your higher Consciousness.PARABRAHMAPARABRAHMA is the Supreme Being in his Absolute aspect; one who is beyond space and time. It is the essence of the Universe that is with form and without form. It is the Supreme creator.PURUSHOTHAMAPURUSHOTHAMA has got different meanings. Purusha means soul and Uthama means the supreme; the Supreme spirit. It also means the supreme energy of force guiding us from the highest world. Purusha also means Man, and PURUSHOTHAMA is the energy that incarnates as an Avatar to help and guide Mankind and relate closely to the beloved Creation.PARAMATMAPARAMATMA means the supreme inner energy that is immanent in every creature and in all beings, living and non-living. It's the indweller or the Antaryamin who resides formless or in any form desired. It's the force that can come to you whenever you want and wherever you want to guide and help you.SRI BHAGAVATISRI BHAGAVATI is the Feminine aspect, which is characterized as the Supreme Intelligence in action, the Power (The Shakti). It is referred to the Mother Earth (Divine Mother) aspect of the creation.SAMETHASAMETHA means together or in communion with.SRI BHAGAVTESRI BHAGAVTE is the Masculine aspect of the Creation, which is unchangeable and permanent.NAMAHANAMAHA is salutations or prostrations to the Universe that is OM and also has the qualities of SAT-CHIT-ANANDA, that is omnipresent, unchangeable and changeable at the same time, the supreme spirit in a human form and formless, the indweller that can guide and help in the feminine and masculine forms with the supreme intelligence. I seek your presence and guidance all the time.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Sri Amma was born the 15th of August 1954 in the beautiful village Sangham in the state of Andhra Pradesh, South India. She is loved for her wisdom and childlike simplicity and has difficulties in saying no when asked. That is said to be one reason of the tremendous miracles happening when people ask her for help. Amma had already become quite well known for her mystic powers, and her ability to grant boons and perform miracles. She was regarded in her village as an aspect of the Divine Mother.. We could say that Bhagavan and Amma are one being in two bodies and both of them can transfer the state of Oneness to any amount of people. Bhagavan is guiding this process while Amma is generating tremendous energy so that the Oneness state will become available for everybody.When Bhagavan and Padmavati were introduced to each other, they immediately recognized each other and knew that they were meant to be together and work together. Their marriage took place on June 9, 1977. They have a son by name 'Krishna'. When asked about healing, Bhagavan often tells people to ask Amma as she will react faster than him since she is an embodiment of Shakti, the feminine divine power. Those who have an inner contact (friendship) with both Bhagavan as well as Amma will get Oneness much easier as there will be harmony of yin and yang within.In the 1980's Sri Amma, Bhagavan, and his friend and disciple from childhood, Shankarji, opened a spiritual school called . The divine phenomenon took birth in July 1989, when suddenly the students began to experience great states of cosmic consciousness. Great miracles became a daily happening in the lives of these students and many of them became like real prophets and mystics. After some time Bhagavan and Amma selected six students as their direct disciples and began their real project--to transfer the Oneness state to mankind.From this humble official beginning in 1991 Sri Bhagavan's Golden Age Movement has today approximately 30-40 millions members from all over the world. This number is increasing daily and many new countries get added every passing year.


Supported and loved by more than a 100 million people, Sri Amma Bhagavan are the founders and the inspiration behind the Oneness University. They are one single consciousness in two bodies. Together Amma and Bhagavan power the process of awakening in the individual seeker. They are like the spirit, all pervading yet abiding in the deepest recesses of one's Being. They are the silent Presence powering the phenomenon of Oneness Blessing everywhere. Far removed from the periphery of the various activities of the movement they reside at the Oneness temple.
Bhagavan was born on the 7th of March 1949 in the town of Natham, North Arcot District in the state of Tamil Nadu, South India to Mrs. Vaidharbi and Mr. Varadharajalu as the first child. He was given the name Vijay Kumar. He has two brothers and a sister. He was a very unusual child, always introspective and only concerned about how to give mankind total freedom. Today, we recognize Sri Bhagavan and his partner Amma as Divine Avatars, very rare beings who can give liberation to practically any-body. They take complete responsibility for giving complete enlightenment to all seekers and are not satisfied with giving some nice teachings, temporary states or performing some miracles.When asked “When did this change in consciousness come to you?” Sri Bhagavan replies: There has been no change in my consciousness since I was a little child. I never had a guru. Even as a little child riding on the shoulders of a giant-like servant or sitting under a tree while my friends played, my only concern was humanity’s suffering. I would silently sob, choke and faint, experiencing humanity’s suffering. My body does not have a limitation. The consciousness of my body is limitless and hence it experiences all that man experiences. "My only passion ever since I came into this planet has been to end humanity’s suffering. And I knew to end suffering, mankind needed to enter into an altered state of consciousness. I also knew that man was helpless and it has to be given to him and I decided to give it."The miracles that Amma and I perform are merely manifestation of the compassion and love we feel for you. It is simply the power of our consciousness that is making this neuro-biological transformation in the brain possible, leading you to enlightenment.”

Supported and loved by more than a 100 million people, Sri Amma Bhagavan are the founders and the inspiration behind the Oneness University. They are one single consciousness in two bodies. Together Amma Padmavathi and Bhagavan Kalki power the process of awakening in the individual seeker. They are like the spirit, all pervading yet abiding in the deepest recesses of one's Being. They are the silent Presence powering the phenomenon of Oneness Blessing everywhere. Far removed from the periphery of the various activities of the movement they reside at the Oneness temple.

The Oneness University was established in 2002 by co-founders Sri Bhagavan and his wife, Sri Amma. According to Bhagavan it was created for just one purpose, "To set man totally and unconditionally free, bringing about the Golden Age of Enlightenment." A center for learning and growth, The Oneness University creates an atmosphere for people to learn and grow in consciousness leading to a ‘happy’ individual and family. Catering to people of every faith and all walks of life, the University represents growth and learning in both the internal and the external spheres of life.

Sri Amma and Bhagavan who are also the originators of the Oneness Blessing founded The Oneness University in the year 2002